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Baltimore Copyright Law Attorney: Along With Copyright, Creators Have Numerous Other Rights To Their Work

copyright_law_attorney_marylandThe Copyright Act of 1976 grants exclusive rights to copyright owners, including:

Reproduction: the right to make copies of a copyrighted work.

Distribution: the right to sell or otherwise distribute copies of the work.

Adaptation: the right to create adaptations of the original work.

Performance: the right to perform, or have performed, the copyrighted work.

Display: the right to display the work.

When negotiating a contract, such as a book contract for an author, all of the rights listed above (and sub-rights with more detail than this list) are negotiable and should not simply be surrendered by the author. The author/creator may sell or license any of these rights.

For a confidential conversation to discuss these and other copyright law matters, contact Maryland copyright attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, or by clicking here.

Day, evening and weekend appointments are available in office or at your residence. Mr. Reichert personally serves clients in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Carroll County, Harford County, Frederick County, Montgomery County and throughout most of Maryland.