Maryland Estate Planning Attorney: Is a Will Executed in Another State Valid in Maryland?
This is a question asked by numerous clients and the brief answer is that a Will that is valid in the state where it was created should be valid in the state of Maryland.
That said, the definition of terms used in the Will could be different in the state where it was created and Maryland, and thus the Will would need to be updated/clarified. Also taxes and probate laws are different in each state and the Will should be reviewed by a Maryland attorney to see if the Will is created in such a way that it will best comply with Maryland laws. In many instances an entirely new Will is not necessary however the old Will can be improved, to best fit Maryland laws, with some revision and then filing the Will in Maryland.
For a free, confidential conversation to discuss these and other estate planning matters, including creating (or revising) a Will for you and a loved one, contact Maryland Estate Planning attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, or by clicking here.
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- Posted in Estate Planning Annapolis Maryland, Estate Planning Catonsville Maryland, Estate Planning Germantown Maryland, Estate Planning Maryland, Wills & Trusts Bethesda Maryland, Wills & Trusts Ellicott City Maryland, Wills & Trusts Lawyer Montgomery Maryland, Wills & Trusts Maryland, Wills Columbia Maryland
Oct, 01, 2014
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