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Do I Need a Probate Bond for a Maryland Estate?

A probate bond is a form of insurance designed to protect the estate and all beneficiaries from fraudulence or mismanagement by the estate’s Personal Representative. In most cases, Maryland state law requires a probate bond with a few exceptions, including:


1. If the decedent’s will explicitly waives the bond;
2. If all heirs or beneficiaries agree to waive the bond; or
3. The Personal Representative is the sole beneficiary.


In most instances, even when the probate bond is not required, the Personal Representative is still required to obtain a nominal bond. If you are the Personal Representative of an estate and are unsure if you need a probate bond or nominal bond, consider contacting an experienced probate attorney for guidance.


For a free, confidential conversation to discuss Maryland probate, contact Maryland estate attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959 or


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