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Maryland Probate: When Real Estate Is The Only Asset

Row_House_Baltimore_Landlord_Tenant_LawyerThe Maryland code makes no distinction between personal property (e.g. motor vehicle) and real property (e.g. house & land; real estate) when setting forth the requirement that an estate must be opened for a decedent. There are many instances where an estate does not need to be opened, for example if the sole asset is real property that is held in the name of more than one individual who is still alive. Or if the property is in a land Trust. These are just a couple of examples where an estate may not need to be opened, however if the property was owned entirely by the decedent and was subject to probate, then an estate must be opened in the county of jurisdiction so that the property can pass through the estate administration and be sold or properly distributed per the decedent’s Will or Maryland law.

For a free, confidential conversation to discuss this and other estate administration matters, including probate administration legal services, contact Maryland probate administration attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, or by clicking here.

Mr. Reichert can administer probate on behalf of the Maryland estate or for a modest fee he can be of assistance to the Personal Representative, as assistance is needed. For example, he can be available to give the correct legal answer and review or prepare probate filings before they are submitted to the county or city.

Day, evening and weekend appointments are available in office or at your residence. Mr. Reichert personally serves clients throughout the entire state of Maryland.

Attorney Reichert looks forward to assisting you with your Maryland probate needs.

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