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What is a Notice of Probate for a Maryland Resident?

A notice of probate is a document containing information about the deceased person’s estate and upcoming court proceedings. The personal representative of the estate is responsible for sending the notice of probate to any heirs, creditors, or beneficiaries. If any of the interested parties do not receive a notice of probate, they may not be able to participate in the proceedings and, consequently, may forfeit their right to make objections.


If you have received a notice of probate, here are your options:


1) You may choose to do nothing and let the court act on your behalf. In this case, you will forfeit your right to make any objections in the case;


 2) You may object to the proceedings. In this case, you will need to submit a formal objection to the court; or


3) You may submit a petition to the court to be appointed the personal representative for the estate. In this case, you will likely be asked to supply evidence demonstrating why you should be given this responsibility.


For a free, confidential conversation to discuss this and other estate administration matters, including probate administration legal services and estate planning, contact Maryland probate administration lawyer Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, or by clicking here.


Mr. Reichert can administer probate on behalf of the estate, or he can be of assistance to the Personal Representative, as assistance is needed. For example, he can be available to give the correct legal answer and review or prepare probate filings before they are submitted.


Mr. Reichert personally serves clients throughout the entire state of Maryland, and he looks forward to assisting you with your Maryland probate needs.


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