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Do Not Pay For a Copy of Your Maryland Property Deed

If you have recently transferred the ownership of a property title, you may have received a mailing from a company called Property Records offering a property profile along with “a copy of the only document that identifies [you] as the property owner of [your address], by a recently recorded transferred property title.” Many of our clients have written to us asking if this is something they have to pay for. The simple answer is no.


This service is offered for a fee exceeding $100.00. While you may wish to receive the property profile described in the letter, you DO NOT need to pay any service provider for a copy of your property deed. Property deeds are public record and can be obtained at no cost from your county’s recording office or through Maryland Land Records (


For a free, confidential conversation to discuss property title transfers, contact Maryland real estate attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959 or


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