Happy New Year! Update Your Estate Plan?
If your Will is several years old or you have experienced any life-changing events since your Will was created, such as marriage, divorce, the birth or death of a child, a child who is no longer a minor, a child who has since gotten married, a change in residence, or the death of anyone named in your Will, including Personal Representatives or back-up Personal Representatives, you should have your Will reviewed and updated.
At the Law Office of Stephen J. Reichert, LLC, I will personally review your potentially outdated Will during a free consultation and discuss your options and needs for updating your Will. I will also provide you with Trust options that may offer significant advantages to your estate plan.
For a free, confidential conversation to discuss these and other estate planning matters, contact Maryland estate planning attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, sreichert@reichertlegal.com or by clicking here. I provide office or home meetings at your convenience throughout most of Maryland including all of Montgomery County.
#MarylandAttorney #MarylandLawyer #MDlawyer #MDattorney #stephenjreichert #reichertlegal #EstatePlanning #EstatePlanningMaryland #MarylandWill #MarylandTrust
- Posted by reichertlegal
- Posted in Attorney Baltimore Maryland, Estate Planning Annapolis Maryland, Estate Planning Baltimore Maryland, Estate Planning Maryland, Estate Planning Montgomery County Maryland, Estate Planning Prince George's County Maryland, Estate Planning Silver Spring Maryland, Trusts Attorney Maryland, Wills & Trusts Baltimore Maryland, Wills & Trusts Maryland
- Jan, 01, 2016
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