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How Much Will the Court Allow For Funeral Expenses in Maryland?

If you have been designated the personal representative of an estate, you probably know that you are responsible for making sure all funeral expenses are paid. However, you may not know what expenses fall under this category. According to Maryland law, within six months’ time, the personal representative of an estate is required pay expenses related to any of the following:

– Funeral expenses (including burial or cremation as well as the disposition of remains
– Memorial service
– Food and beverages for any gatherings associated with the funeral
– Any other “reasonable” expenses authorized in the decedent’s will

At their discretion, the court allows up to $15,000 to cover any of these expenses. Only if the estate is solvent (that is, if the decedent’s assets sufficiently exceed outstanding debts) and a special court order has been obtained may the expenses exceed this amount.

For a free, confidential conversation to discuss this and other estate administration matters, including probate administration legal services and estate planning, contact Maryland probate administration lawyer Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, or by clicking here.

Mr. Reichert can administer probate on behalf of the estate or he can be of assistance to the Personal Representative, as assistance is needed. For example, he can be available to give the correct legal answer and review or prepare probate filings before they are submitted to the Register of Wills. Mr. Reichert personally serves clients throughout the entire state of Maryland and looks forward to assisting you with your Maryland probate needs.

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