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Does the Personal Representative of a Will Have to be a Maryland Resident?

The Personal Representative does not need to be a Maryland resident. However, a Maryland resident must act as the agent of the Personal Representative. Typically this is a lawyer who is familiar with the laws and the Will. This individual has to be appointed at the beginning of the process. But anyone can be appointed as an agent as long as they are a resident of Maryland. Once that is taken care of, all the other aspects of being a Personal Representative are the same.

For a free, confidential conversation to discuss estate planning, including having a non-Maryland Resident as Personal Representative, contact Maryland estate attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, or by clicking here.

Day, evening and weekend appointments are available in office or at your residence. Mr. Reichert personally serves estate planning clients throughout the entire state of Maryland.

Stephen looks forward to assisting you with your Maryland Estate needs.

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