How Do I Establish Domestic Partnership to Avoid Property Deed Transfer Taxes in Maryland?
If you are considering adding or removing a domestic partner from a property deed, and would like to avoid transfer taxes, you will need to provide proof of domestic partnership. Maryland state law allows for eleven ways to prove domestic partnership.
1. A joint housing lease or joint liability for a mortgage or other loan
2. Designation of one domestic partner as the primary beneficiary under a life insurance policy or retirement plan of the other domestic partner.
3. Designation of one domestic partner as the primary beneficiary under a Will of the other domestic partner.
4. A durable power of attorney for health care or finances granted by one domestic partner to the other domestic partner.
5. A durable power of attorney for health care or finances granted by one domestic partner to the other domestic partner.
6. Joint ownership or lease of a motor vehicle.
7. A joint checking account, joint investments, or a joint credit account.
8. A joint renter’s or homeowner’s insurance policy.
9. Coverage of one domestic partner under a health insurance policy of the other domestic partner.
10. Joint responsibility for the care of a child, such as guardianship or school documents.
11. A relationship or cohabitation contract.
For a free, confidential conversation to discuss property deed transfers or other property law matters, contact Maryland property law attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959 or
Mr. Reichert personally serves clients throughout the entire state of Maryland, and he looks forward to assisting you with your Maryland probate needs.
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- Posted in Anne Arundel Maryland House Title Deed Recording, Deed Filing Anne Arundel County Maryland, Deed Filing Baltimore Maryland, Deed Filing Carroll County Maryland, Deed Filing Maryland, Domestic Partner Deed Transfer, Property Deed Anne Arundel Maryland, Property Deed Frederick County Maryland, Property Deed Transfer Dorchester Maryland, Uncategorized
Jan, 13, 2023
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