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How Do I Establish Domestic Partnership to Avoid Property Deed Transfer Taxes in Maryland?

If you are considering adding or removing a domestic partner from a property deed, and would like to avoid transfer taxes, you will need to provide proof of domestic partnership. Maryland state law allows for eleven ways to prove domestic partnership. 


1. A joint housing lease or joint liability for a mortgage or other loan

2. Designation of one domestic partner as the primary beneficiary under a life insurance policy or retirement plan of the other domestic partner.

3. Designation of one domestic partner as the primary beneficiary under a Will of the other domestic partner.

4. A durable power of attorney for health care or finances granted by one domestic partner to the other domestic partner.

5. A durable power of attorney for health care or finances granted by one domestic partner to the other domestic partner.

6. Joint ownership or lease of a motor vehicle.

7. A joint checking account, joint investments, or a joint credit account.

8. A joint renter’s or homeowner’s insurance policy.

9. Coverage of one domestic partner under a health insurance policy of the other domestic partner.

10. Joint responsibility for the care of a child, such as guardianship or school documents.

11. A relationship or cohabitation contract.


For a free, confidential conversation to discuss property deed transfers or other property law matters, contact Maryland property law attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959 or


Mr. Reichert personally serves clients throughout the entire state of Maryland, and he looks forward to assisting you with your Maryland probate needs.


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