What Happens If My Heir Dies Before I Do in Maryland?
The answer to this question depends, first, on what kind of estate planning (if any) you have done.
If you have a will or a trust in place, you have already named your beneficiaries. But unless you have named alternate beneficiaries in your will or trust, you will have little control over where a portion of your assets will go if you outlive one of your beneficiaries. To solve this, you should consider naming alternate beneficiaries in your estate documents. You should also consider, for the same reason, naming an alternate Personal Representative, aka Executor.
If you have no estate plan in place, your estate will go through probate and state law will determine how your assets will be distributed. This can create some obvious issues, especially when considering blended families.
For a free, confidential conversation to discuss estate planning, or to update your current estate plan, contact Maryland estate attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, or by emailing sreichert@reichertlegal.com.
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- Posted by reichertlegal
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- Aug, 17, 2023
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