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Tag Archives: MD Estate Planning

What Should I Do with My Estate Plan If One of My Children Provides Most of the Caregiving?

In many instances, most of the caregiving may fall to one of your children. This could be due to several circumstances, most often proximity. If you are in this situation, you may have asked yourself how to fairly acknowledge the caregiving load one child has carried over another.   Here are some strategies to consider […]

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What Is Ancillary Probate in Maryland?

When someone passes away in Maryland, their estate typically goes through probate, but if the deceased person owned real estate or other assets in another state, ancillary probate may be required to transfer ownership of those assets to their heirs or legatees.   The primary probate process occurs in the state where the deceased person […]

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Determining the Value of an Estate in Maryland

Understanding how an estate is valued is a crucial step in the probate process. In the state of Maryland, the valuation of an estate involves several considerations, and navigating these complexities is important for both the Personal Representative and the beneficiaries.   Appraisal of Assets   One of the primary steps in estate valuation is […]

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Best Ways to Preemptively Avoid a Will Contest

While anyone can contest your will after you have passed away, there are several things you can do to prevent them from succeeding.   The first and best way to avoid a will contest is to establish a trust. This is the most common way to avoid probate and to make contesting a will difficult. […]

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What is the Role of a Personal Representative?

A Personal Representative (aka executor) is a person appointed in an estate plan, or, when there is no will, appointed as a matter of law or by the court. This role involves ensuring that the decedent’s wishes are fulfilled when distributing assets, as well as managing the decedent’s affairs, including paying taxes and other bills. […]

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What Happens If My Heir Dies Before I Do in Maryland?

The answer to this question depends, first, on what kind of estate planning (if any) you have done.   If you have a will or a trust in place, you have already named your beneficiaries. But unless you have named alternate beneficiaries in your will or trust, you will have little control over where a […]

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Can I Include My Pet as Part of My Estate Plan?

In the unfortunate event that you become incapacitated or pass way, ensuring the safety and well-being of your pet is an important consideration. Maryland law considers pets “property” and are treated as such, which is why many pet owners choose to create a pet trust.   A pet trust enables you to designate a person […]

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Can a Will Be Signed or Changed By Someone with Dementia?

One common question we receive is whether a person with dementia may sign or update their last will and testament. For a will to be considered valid, the signee must have “testamentary capacity.” In other words, a person must be mentally competent enough to understand the implications of what they are signing. For a person […]

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Maryland Estate Planning Terms Defined

If you’re new to estate planning, you might feel overwhelmed. Any legal process can feel intimidating. In this post we will briefly define several key terms to give you a broader understanding of the subject so that, when you do decide to put an estate plan in place, you will have a better foundation.   […]

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Are My Maryland Health Care Directives Valid in Another State?

While most states make provisions for accepting health (or advanced) care directives from other states, some states only do so with states having similar legal requirements. Some states may use different terminology around what health care directives mean. Requirements pertaining to life support procedures, for instance, can differ from state to state. While it is […]

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