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How do I Claim a Deceased Relatives’ Unclaimed Property?

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If you need to claim property that is within the state of Maryland, then you will need to have a claim filed with the Comptroller of Maryland. Additional documentation is needed for proof. The documentation needs to include two forms of identification, and items such as bank account information and insurance proceeds. Depending on the […]

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How is Property Distributed in Maryland if There is No Will?

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After the assets are used to pay estate expenses, debt, and taxes, the rest can be distributed to the closest living heirs. This is done according to Maryland’s intestacy laws. In Maryland, typically a surviving spouse and children would be given priority. If there is no surviving spouse then children would receive the assets equally. […]

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Maryland Probate: Do I File a Will With No Assets?

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This is a common question people have and reasonable to wonder if a person’s Will needs to be filed if the person died with no assets. Under Maryland Law, the decedent’s Will must be filed in the jurisdiction of domicile even if the person died without any assets. This does not mean that an estate […]

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Do I Need a Bond For a Maryland Small Estate?

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If you are an individual serving as the Personal Representative of a Maryland small estate, the short answer is: yes, you will need to secure a bond on behalf of the estate. However there are some exceptions: if the value of the estate is less than $10,000 (after funeral expenses & family allowances), if the […]

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Maryland Probate: Who Distributes The Estate’s Assets?

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Under Maryland law the named or appointed Personal Representative is responsible for the distribution of the estate assets. To reach the point in the estate administration where the law allows distribution, the Personal Representative must pass several stages and filings and should only distribute assets after approval from the Register of Wills and the Orphans’ […]

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Maryland Probate Fees

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The county Register of Wills office will assess estate administration fees per Maryland law. The fees are assessed when your attorney files the first account for the estate. Additional fees could be assessed if the value of the estate increases. The estate value is determined by reviewing the value of all assets included in the […]

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Maryland Probate: When Real Estate Is The Only Asset

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The Maryland code makes no distinction between personal property (e.g. motor vehicle) and real property (e.g. house & land; real estate) when setting forth the requirement that an estate must be opened for a decedent. There are many instances where an estate does not need to be opened, for example if the sole asset is […]

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Maryland Probate, Duty to Protect Property

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As the Personal Representative (aka executor) of a Maryland estate, you are required to protect and maintain the assets of the estate. Among many other duties this includes protecting any real estate. According to a local insurance company water damage due to frozen pipes is the most frequent claim and damage done to property in […]

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Maryland Estate Administration, Valuation of Stocks

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In Maryland the Information Report and Inventory for an administration probate is due within three months of opening the estate. These must be filed by the attorney and/or the Personal Representative along with proper valuation of all assets and supporting documents and appraisals. Each asset has a particular way of being valued under Maryland law […]

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Maryland Probate: Do I Need a Surety Bond?

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If you are an individual serving as the Personal Representative of a Maryland estate, the short answer is: yes, you will need to secure a surety bond on behalf of the estate. The bond will be filed and/or presented to the appropriate county Office of the Register of Wills, Estate Administration or Probate Division. If […]

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