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Maryland Estate Planning; How Can I Transfer a Deed?

In order to change the name on a deed, a new deed must be created. Drafting a deed is an extensive process. The deed needs to include if there was consideration for the change. The deed needs to have a certificate of preparation and signature stating who created it. Also, the deed needs to be authenticated by a notary public. Some counties in Maryland require a Lien Certificate as well as the payments stated on the form. All of this needs to be reviewed to make sure the deed is correct.

Along with the deed, the individual must complete a Land Instrument intake sheet. Once all of this is complete, it must be filed with the Land Records Clerk at the Circuit Court in the County the property lies. There are typically going to be taxes associated with it for filing and if transferring as well.

Drafting and filing a deed can be a strenuous and difficult process. Making sure a deed is recorded correctly is important because they are very difficult to change after the fact so it is a good idea to contact an experienced attorney.

For a free, confidential conversation to discuss estate planning, including the transferring of a deed, contact Maryland estate attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, or by clicking here.

Day, evening and weekend appointments are available in office or at your residence. Mr. Reichert personally serves estate planning clients throughout the entire state of Maryland.

Stephen looks forward to assisting you with your Maryland estate planning needs.

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