What is an EIN and am I Eligible?
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique identification number assigned by the IRA for business entities. A “responsible party” must use his or her SSN in order to obtain an EIN, and there is no cost to the process. A “responsible party” is the person who owns or controls the business entity or who exercises ultimate control over the entity. Generally, the IRS can issue an EIN immediately if one applies online.
For assistance with EIN and other business law matters, including business formation legal services, contact Maryland business attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, sreichert@reichertlegal.com or by clicking here.
Day, evening and weekend appointments are available in office or at your residence. Mr. Reichert personally serves business law clients throughout the entire state of Maryland.
Stephen looks forward to assisting you with your Maryland business law needs.
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- Jul, 06, 2019
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