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Tag Archives: Anne Arundel County Estate Planning

What Should I Do with My Estate Plan If One of My Children Provides Most of the Caregiving?

In many instances, most of the caregiving may fall to one of your children. This could be due to several circumstances, most often proximity. If you are in this situation, you may have asked yourself how to fairly acknowledge the caregiving load one child has carried over another.   Here are some strategies to consider […]

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Maryland Estate Planning Terms Defined

If you’re new to estate planning, you might feel overwhelmed. Any legal process can feel intimidating. In this post we will briefly define several key terms to give you a broader understanding of the subject so that, when you do decide to put an estate plan in place, you will have a better foundation.   […]

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Why You Should Talk to Your Parents About Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Estate planning is something many families are inclined to put off however careful planning for the future can protect property and assets, as well as loved ones. An estate plan is not simply a matter of drafting a will; it is also a kindness to the surviving family members because it can relieve stress, help […]

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