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Why You Should Talk to Your Parents About Estate Planning

Estate planning is something many families are inclined to put off however careful planning for the future can protect property and assets, as well as loved ones. An estate plan is not simply a matter of drafting a will; it is also a kindness to the surviving family members because it can relieve stress, help prevent disputes, and ensure that health care directives and powers of attorney are in place.


Estate planning begins with drafting a basic will that specifies to whom property and assets will be distributed after death. A living will is equally important because it dictates how your parents would like to be cared for as medical condition arise. A living will can also specify whether or not your parents prefer a “Do Not Resuscitate” (or DNR) order.


Forming a durable power of attorney in necessary in the event that either of your parents are rendered incapacitated. Your parents should select a power of attorney whom they trust with making important end-of-life decisions as well as making sure all bills and taxes are paid.


For a free, confidential conversation to discuss estate planning, contact Maryland estate attorney Stephen J. Reichert at 410-299-4959, or by emailing


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